The events of December 14th are indescribably
horrific. I keep thinking we’re all just supposed to wake up from this massive
nightmare any second. This morning, when sorting through the many news articles
concerning Sandy Hook, I was profoundly moved by the following excerpt (taken
from this article on
McDonnell would write messages for her mother in the bathroom window. On the
first day without Grace, the bathroom fogged up and mom glanced at the window.
And right there was a message from beyond the grave. The little girl had drawn
the peace sign, her favorite symbol. Above it was a heart with the words:
"Grace, Mom."
Grace McDonnell was
amongst the young victims that day. As 2013 approaches, I resolve to keep Grace’s
message and spirit, as well as the 25 other victims, their families, and the
heroes of Newtown, in my thoughts and prayers. May 2013 bring peace, kindness,
empathy, and friendship back into this world- where the simple idea of valuing love over hate seems to have
gone astray.