Thursday, August 2, 2012

Glitter Thursday- Death Trot 2K12 Fashion Update

As I mentioned here a few months back, I got conned by my dear friend, Callan, to sign up for the BAA 1/2 marathon AGAIN. The 12 week countown to the death trot run in October has begun and my training regimen thus far is, um,  not good (unless death trotting running 3 miles maybe twice a week is considered "right on track").

So, now that I'm entirely NOT where I need to be in my training schedule, it's time to get serious. My plan to make this happen is a 2 step process
Step 1. Cut the crap Amy (i.e. Oh look! the Ikea catalogue arrived sooo yeah....about running tonight....)
Step 2. I find that when I feel put together in my work-out gear, I usually have a better death trot run. So, adding a pinch of glitter to the mix can only serve to amp me up that much more!....maybe

Below I've comprised my ultimate list of glistening running gear

1. Glitter Elastic Hair Ties- How I don't already own these is a mystery
Glitter Elastic Hair Ties - Choose 3 colors - Knotted Hair Ties - Ponytail Holders

2. Glitter Sports Headband-  Keeps my bangs from sticking to my face AND they're non-slip so I won't be the girl who accidentally prances right into a ditch in an effort to retrieve her fallen headband.
GLITTER Sparkly HEADBAND Stretch Softball Sports Headbands FREE Shipping //ghs001

3. Sports Bag- Because how can I be a serious runner without a shiny bag to put my gear in (and by "my gear" I mean the vaseline I bought to prevent under-arm chafing)
women's bags

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