Thursday, September 27, 2012

Curtain Room Dividers

Alright people, 'Glitter Thursday' is taking a back seat today as I need to post on a very important topic this week: Curtains used for room division. I know, never has a blog topic been so exciting, please contain yourselves and try not to jump through your computer screen in an effort to hug me. Although how cool would it be if that were possible? Hugs are great. I digress...

So here's the thing, I have this awkward nook that stares you right in the eyeball when you first walk into my apartment. This nook contains the largest, most heinous heating unit you've ever seen as well as a few square feet of space that I'd like to use for storage. I figure since the ugly heating unit can't be covered up completely, Ill hang some pretty curtains around the whole deal and create a walk-in closet so to speak. Below I've posted some of my favorite inspiration... what do my hundreds of readers think? Any other ideas on how to conceal this space?

curtain room dividers

Curtain Dividers for a Room

Curtain room dividers-Conspicuous Style Interior Design Blog

Georgia beach house-curtain room dividers-pic 2/2

Stainless steel kitchens, white brick, and curtain room dividers...

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