Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Oh heeeyyyyyy double digits

Ran 10 painful miles on Sunday. Brought my shiny, new fuel belt and tried out one of those gu packets and everything. Was even able to pull my bones and joints together enough to run 3.5 miles tonight. I can tell ya this... I think I like these shorter runs. I was raging after work today for whatever reason and most of my angst burned off around mile 2. The longer runs prove to be a little too much time alone with the crazies in my head. Anyways, what I'm saying is, maybe I'll keep up this jogging shindig once the marathons' passed. Maybe. But, if you think for a second i won't be taking a week off from, shorts that ride up, and profuse sweating, you're sorely mistaken.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Hit the 9 mile mark with my friend Callan on Monday night. So proud of us but, dear god, do we need to invest in fuel belts. Running that far without water is a. not a bright idea and b. makes me melodramatic to the point of yelling obscenities at slow cars and bikers who cross my path. Also, according to my new-found running gurus at work, it's time to start "gu-ing". "Gu" being a sugary, energy-producing gel that comes in such flavors as chocolate (barf, pass- in no way shape or form do I want any sort of thick lactose notion at any point during this run) and margarita (... I can dig it). You're supposed to down these things at least a couple of times during the 13 mile death trot  awesome jog for spurts of energy. Anyways, apparently they're a godsend, and let's face it, I can always use a good burst of energy, so what-the-hey why not "gu" a little?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Side-Tables, Cape Cod, and Arm Chafing

Firstly, the long overdue "after" photo of the sidetable I re-did (aka re-painted and slapped a gorgeous, new Anthropologie handle onto)

Wud-up Martha Stewart:

Secondly, Cape Cod proved to be as relaxing and needed as expected. It's hard to go wrong with perfect weather, endless ocean and the September issue of Vogue at your fingertips...

I'm just hoping the below artsy pictures will last me through the looming cold weather that's slowly starting to creep her way into MA. Un-invited. What a bitch.
Tiffany blue toenails- still shamelessly sporting these in open -toe  pumps around the office

Charlie- livin' the life

burnt caramel ice cream from P-town . Obviously devoured half of it before breathing and stopping to take a pic. 

Lucy stayed in her carseat for, almost, the entire week

stairs to and fro the beach... i chose to shimmy down the side of the dune instead . In case  I went head over heels, I decided smooth sand would be preferable to old wooden stairs

sunset on our last night. sigh. 
Now, onto my favorite topic: running!!!!! Relieved to say things have progressed slightly from my last post on this subject. I was able to run almost every day whilst on vacation due to the fact that a. I could run whenever the hell I felt like it (as opposed to the 8pm-ers I have to pull on normal weeknights after work) b. the Cape has the CCRT- a path that marks every 10th of a mile which was really convenient. Plus, however far up the path I’d go, I’d obviously have to run my ass the same distance back so I’d never get the chance to quit in the middle as I often fancy doing.  Things  progressed enough that I was able to bite the bullet and run 8 miles this past Sunday. Gotta say, it’s a pretty cool moment when your body allows you to pull off something like that.
Not to say that my body isn’t turning on me in other strange ways. I went through a serious bout of underarm chafing about a week ago. This did not phase a fellow co-worker/marathoner, who told me it’s perfectly normal… so, weird, but OK- at least it’s not my thighs. ALSO, the same co-worker warned me about toe-nails coming off and let’s just say I’m on the verge of that one. Apparently, this one’s due to my shoes being too tight. This is easily true considering my feet are screaming by the time I’m done running so it looks like I’m on the market for some (NON-EXPENSIVE) new running shoesies. Admittedly, I was just going to try and man-it-out with this current pair until my roommate reminded me that if I let my toenails fall off due to the fact I’d rather buy cute fall boots, then people would seriously judge my priority setting abilities and think I’d hit some sort of low in life. So, WHATEVER, I’ll buy new sneakers…but dear god, don’t let DSW have some sort of boot/ loafer-pump endcap while I’m there. I don’t think  it’d be fair to ask me to resist that.