Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wednesday's are Weird

In honor of it being "Hump-day", which is an awkward expression, I figured I'd share my most awkward moments of the week thus far (in random order)

1. Went for a run on my normal 4 mile loop yesterday and a small child decided to bike along side me for about 3 of the 4 miles, staring and humming in obnoxious-7-year-old fashion the entire time. Did his father, who was biking a short distance ahead, offer his assistance when I mustered up the most evil glare that I possibly could? No, no he did not.

2. On this same run, I somehow managed to drop the key to my apartment. As I slowly retraced my steps and muttered obscenities under my breath, a car full of "bros" slowed down to ask me what I was doing. They then started laughing maniacally and sped away... uh, did I miss something?

3. Platform wedge sandals + cobblestone Boston streets + pouring rain=  judgemental stares and a small curtsy for no-one in particular before getting in my car (had to acknowledge the hugely unexpected achievement of NOT eating pavement despite many an ankle roll)

That's all I've got to-date but remember, it's only mid-week and the world still has a plethora of opportunities to throw uncomfortable situations my way. Will I fill prolonged silences with excessive talking and un-funny jokes at my work event this evening? Only time will tell.

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Past Few Months... Brought to You by Instagram

Hi puppets. Mama's missed you.

Yes, I've been MIA for awhile now and for that I am deeply sorry. I've missed documenting my random thoughts and the truth is this blog contributes to the little sanity I have left so it's high time to get back on the ol' blogging train. I figure I'll post a bunch of instagrammed iPhone photos I've taken since my last post below. This'll act as a sort-of "catch-up", then I'm hoping I can just go back to my regular rants on being distracted by glittery objects and all will be right in the world again.

SO, as you can see, I've been incredibly busy taking pictures of my new Tory Burch metallic gold drivers, putting party hats on unwilling animals, enjoying bevs on patios in Providence, sailing around Boston and capturing gorgeous skyline images, planking, coaching Charlie on his modeling poses, roof deckin' in the North End, Trying to wake up tired puppies (OK my sis took this pic but  it's too damn cute not to share), taking selfy-shots with my roommate (complete with faces no one should make in photos past the age of 18), taking pictures of my Friends Michelle and Callan on nights when we cook classy dinners for each other (but neglecting to move the Bud Light boxes from the background thus negating any classiness), hosting Easter for my family at my apartment Martha Stewart style, and drinking stylish cappuccinos.Hey, it's a tough life but someone's gotta live it.