Friday, July 5, 2013

I'm back baby! Let's talk 4th of July, moving, and juicing...

Oh hey guys.... (nervous laughter) OK, I know I can't just walk back into your lives totes casually like "Hiii, I'm back from my unannounced 4 month hiatus, lol". All I can say is life's a busy bitch and I fell off the blogging bandwagon. Don't be maaaaad. OK, now that we're past that, here's the scoop:

1. IT'S SUMMER! What's more, yesterday was July 4th and one of my dearest friends' birthday's. Celebrate with wine, fresh seafood, while overlooking Boston harbor-we did. It was a perfect day that looked like this:

2. I moved! Again! This time to the 'burbs with my boyfriend, Matt. His job was supposed to be moving out of the city so we moved to a central locale that was supposed to be smack dab in between our two places of employment.Well, as we all know, things can never just be that easy. One week before Matt's job was scheduled to move, he found out he was ***most likely*** staying in the city. We up and moved to the 'burbs anyways since there wasn't a final answer on where he'd end up, and both of our apartments had already been leased to new renters, sooo now poor Matty commutes about 4 hours a day (woof). The short and short of it is- it looks like his job ain't moving after all and we'll be back in the city within a few months... so stay tuned as that saga continues to un-fold. Weeee!

3. I want to give another whack at a juice cleanse. I'm feeling quite doughy lately- most likely due to long work hours and my knack for choosing the couch and rosé over running/all things healthy. I need to kick this body o' mine back into fightin' shape, thus I'm going to be taking another plunge at juice cleansing. A few of you may remember my miserable attempt at a cleanse circa November 2012. I learned a lot from my last juicing experience so I'm switchin' it up a bit this time around.Here's how it's gonna work:

  • I'm only juicing for 3 days. I need to prove to myself that I can do this correctly for 3 days before taking on a full 10 day fiasco.
  • I'll be supplementing the cleanse with lean protein and veggies this time around. Forgoing all food just isn't my style.
  • When is this happening? Mmmm dunno, but I figure sending it out into the blogosphere might light a fire under my ass. Fingers crossed kiddos.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Glitter Thursday- 100th Post

How appropriate that my 100th post is taking place on the holiest of days (in my opinion): Glitter Thursday. Instead of focusing on the fact that I’ve in no way shape, or form, been a faithful blogger since work has taken over my life, I’d like to focus on things to come; specifically what I can promise to drone on and on about in the next 100 posts…

I’ve stumbled into this incredible new job working for a lifestyle brand that, like me, places heavy emphasis on the importance of glitter in our everyday lives. Trust me, chilling on cloud nine doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel about all of this. What’s taken me by surprise is these feelings of inadequacy that I’ve been fending off every day since I’ve started in my new role. Before I even took this job I was a diehard supporter of the brand yet, now, I wake up and second guess every idea and decision I have to make. I understand that this rant must be really hard to follow considering I can’t give specific details but the point I’m trying to make is that it’s time… time to work it.  

I no longer want any part of this gross “Am I doing well enough?” mindset. That crap never got anyone anywhere. I present to you all my new mantra that’s coincidentally 100th post/ Glitter Thursday perfection:

glitter quote

Words to live by people

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Blog friends...and older brothers

Hello all- I swear to the 8lb 6oz baby Jesus I'll start blogging again regularly in a hot minute. But, for now, you may find it interesting that by a lot of twists of fate my best friend- Michelle, and my brother-Mike, along with a few other characters, all live in a large, lavish apartment in Somerville. Since I rallied for this living situation to happen (a-thank you, a-thank you) They've developed a creepy family bond that's based purely on functional alcoholism and sarcasm. They've even gone as far as documenting their lifestyles via the blogosphere. I don't want to be addicted to this daily read. I really strive to be weirded out by the fact that my BFF and brother see each other more than I do but alas, they've sucked me in. Kids, I give you: